It is essential to aware children of the importance of recycling. From school we, as teachers, must teach them the rule of the 3 "Rs": Reuse, Reduce and Recycle, by doing artcrafts with used materials such as plastic containers, bottles, paper, cardboard, old clothes, ... so they realize about how useful used stuff can be.
Outings to recycling plants can be very useful too, surely they will transmit all these apprenticeship to their families.
From home we can separate rubbish and also consume more fresh products to avoid using so many wrappings and packages from prepared food.
From the town hall, or local authorities, more campaigns to encourage people to recycle can be done by facilitating plastic bags or other types of containers to separate rubbish.
The existing dumpsters should be replaced by those underground that take less place outside and have a bigger capacity and from which the process of removing rubbish is easier.